Slip Lining and Pipe Reaming
Slip lining/pipe ream is one of the oldest methods for trenchless rehabilitation of existing pipelines. Slip lining is used to repair leaks or restore structural stability to an existing pipeline. Slip lining is completed by installing a smaller, "carrier pipe" into a larger "host pipe using an HDD drill and equipment. Pipe reaming is used to break apart old host pipe while at the same time installing the new carrier pipe using an HDD drill and equipment.
Fiber Optic and Power Builds
Fiber Optic and power builds: HDD is great for production installations. 100 mile project deadlines can be met installing multiple communication and power ducts.
Solid and Cobble Rock Drilling
Solid Rock and Cobble drilling is a process in which specialty tooling called Mechanical Mud Motors and Hole Openers are needed to progress through soils with high PSI ratings. Although the process tends to be quite a bit slower and more expensive, it is still a cheaper alternative than most conventional open cut applications.
River, Creek and Wetland Boring
River, creeks, wetland. When encountering a project where a Utility has to be installed under an Environmentally sensitive area (ESA) or a body of water HDD is the only application that is feasible
Vacuum Services
Vacuum services: The trucks can be used for cleanup of contaminated soil. They are also an important part of drilling oil and natural gas wells, as they are located at the drilling site. Vacuum trucks are used to remove drilling mud, drilling cuttings, cement, spills, and for removal of brine water from production tanks. They dispose of this in sump pits, treatment plants or if within safe levels may be spread out in a farmer's field.
Sanitary Sewer Jobs
Sewer Grade Boring can be completed by using specialty electronics known as Grade Beacons that can read as little as 1/10th of a percent. To achieve this, the HDD operator and steer hand must continually check line and grade during installation of the pilot bore.
Water Line Projects
Water Line: Public Municipalities have grown fond of the HDD process. Public Utilities such as Water lines are commonly installed using HDD methods as a cleaner and less disruptive alternative in heavy traffic or highly populated areas.
Fusion Services
Fusion Services: Advanced Boring employees are fusion certified for HDPE projects.
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